Topical Information
This test WILL cover EVERYTHING we've covered this semester:
- Basics: types, variables, constants, i/o,
- Functions
- Branching & Looping
- Containers: strings and vectors
- Aggregates: structures, classes, and the ADT Concept
Bonus Information
Bonus material can come from above or from:
- nD containers:
- decl & typedef's
- size_type's
- row vs. column
- extending 1D algorithms
- algorithms unique to 2D
- 3D, 4D, etc. concepts/uses
- files:
- input vs. output
- opening/closing
- eof loops
- passing a file to a function
Temporal Information
This test will be week
It will start Monday the 13th of December at 8:00 and run
until December 16th at noon.