Select an assignment for further details...

Portfolio I

SPECIAL NOTICE: For any first portfolio lab assignment which does not already allow such an option, you may add the following option (worth a (Level 1) increase):

Make your program repeat the 'data entry' thru 'report' again and again and again ... until the user indicates that they would like to stop. (Hint: *ahem* yes/no loop... *ahem*)

IN ADDITION: Should a similar option not already be present on the lab (either available or done by you), the above general option can be augmented with the following general option (worth an additional (Level 1) increase):

Allow the user to type any of the following to mean 'yes' to a yes/no question:

And you should do similarly for their 'no' response — in fact, anything except the above types of responses should result in the program thinking the 'no' was entered...let's not go all hooptie-hoo, holier-than-thou and such...

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
I'm looking

for suggestions

of labs from

the new book.


Please let

me know if

you think of any

cool ones!
Resistance is Everything main, math
A TERRIBLY weighty subject! main, variables, integer math
Point to Point main [M], variables [V], math [M], input
From Here to therE MVM, calling functions, input
Monograms'r'Us MV, calling functions
To meet or not to meet? That is the question! MVM, calling functions, branching
Payroll'r'Us MVM, calling functions [Call], branching
My Liver for a Clock! MVM, integer math, Call
Roll 'em, Roll 'em, Roll 'em... MVM, integer math, Call, randomness, input
Rawhide! MVM, integer math [IntM], Call, branching, randomness [Rand], input [In]


to Hand


in for



       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?

Rubric & Cover

Portfolio II

SPECIAL NOTICE: For any second portfolio lab assignment which does not already allow such an option, you may add the following option (worth a (Level 1) increase):

Make appropriate use of inline functions when designing your program and/or library.

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
I'm looking

for suggestions

of labs from

the new book.


Please let

me know if

you think of any

cool ones!
When in Rome... IntM, strings, looping, branching
For the nth time..! IntM, strings [Str], branching, looping, Rand
But How Would I Get..? IntM, Rand, loop [L], branch [B], menu
Pick'n'Choose L, B (menu)
When was that again? IntM, L, B
The name program --> Program, The N. L, B, Str, In
So, why isn't the word palindrome one, anyway? L, B, Str
"Hi"=="hi"? Str, F, L, B, Lib
After a roiling string argument, I always end up in KNOTS! writing functions, Str
A Tiiiiiiiny, Little Word Processor writing functions, L, B, Str, In
String translation — it does a body good! writing functions, Lib, L, B, Str
Out in the Middle of Space lies... writing functions, In
The Times they are a' Changin'... writing functions, In
What time is it, anyway? writing functions [F], L, writing libraries


to Hand


in for



       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?

Portfolio III

SPECIAL NOTICE: For any third portfolio lab assignment which involves vectors, you may add the following option (worth a (Level 3) increase):

Allow the user to save hand-entered data to a file for later reuse via your new load data from a file option. Use appropriate file opening techniques and pass files to/from functions appropriately as well.

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
I'm looking

for suggestions

of labs from

the new book.


Please let

me know if

you think of any

cool ones!
So, why isn't the word palindrome one, anyway? FLB, Str
(only if you didn't hand it in for portfolio II)
After a roiling string argument, I always end up in KNOTS! FLB, Str, Lib
(only if you didn't hand it in for portfolio II)
"Hi"=="hi"? Str, FL, Lib
(only if you didn't hand it in for portfolio II)
The name program --> Program, The N. FLB, Str, In
(only if you didn't hand it in for portfolio II)
A Tiiiiiiiny, Little Word Processor FLB, Str, In
(only if you didn't hand it in for portfolio II)
String translation — it does a body good! FLB, Str, Lib
(only if you didn't hand it in for portfolio II)
A terribly Complex problem... classes, Lib
Beware the Ides of March! classes, Lib
And 1, 2, 3, ... classes, Lib
And 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, ... classes, Lib
1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3... classes, Lib
Ouch! That's _____! FLB, vectors
Now where'd I put that...? FLB, vectors, Lib
Oops! I didn't mean that... FLB, vectors [Vec], Str
You Want Me To Do What Problems? In, Vec, Str
Order is the key... FLB, Vec, Lib, Rand
Smack in the Middle of Nowhere II FLB, Vec, Rand, Lib
It's Raining Strings! Str, Vec, Lib
I Prefer Oak Myself... FLB, Vec
Branching...looping...What to do? FLB, Vec (parallel)
A Little More Here, A Little Less There 2D Vec, F, Lib
Cat's, X's, or O's? FLB, 2D Vec
Horizontal, Schmorizontal! [Under (re)construction...] FLB, 2D Vec
Multiplication — Not Just for Numbers Anymore! 2D Vec, F, Lib
Contacts or Glasses? Vec, F, Str, Files


to Hand


in for



       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?