Topical Information

This lab exercise should help you understand character manipulation a bit better. (It will use functions from at least one library.)

Program Information

Write a program to print the user's monogram. One common monogram form places the middle initial (capitalized) first, then the first initial (lower case), and finally the last initial (capitalized). Don't worry about special users who don't have a middle name, they can make up one or not use our program! (*grin*) Make your program print its results neatly.

As an example, you might have the program interaction look something like (the parts in this color are typed by the user):

$ ./monogram.out

                 Welcome to the Monogram Layout Program!!!

What are your initials?  A B C

Thank you!!

Your monogram will be B.a.C.

Thank you for using the MLP!!

Endeavor to have a magnificent day!


Thought Provoking Questions

  1. What function(s) do you need to use? What library are they from?
  2. Is the spacing the user typed between their initials necessary? What happens if they leave it out? Have more than one space?
  3. What happens if the user doesn't type letters for their initials? What happens for digits? Symbols?

This assignment is (Level 1.5).


Total Level Possible

If you did all above options, this lab could be worth as much as (Level 3.5).