Select an assignment for further details...

Portfolio I

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
I'm looking

for suggestions

of projects from

the new book.


Please let

me know if

you think of

any cool ones!
Project TitleC++/Programming Topics
Point(in), out=Point() MVM, Call, In
What Goes Up, Must Keep Going Up... MVM, Call, In
Dice, Dice, and More Dice! MVM, Call, In, Rand


to Hand


in for



       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?

Rubric & Cover

Portfolio II

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
I'm looking

for suggestions

of projects from

the new book.


Please let

me know if

you think of

any cool ones!
Project TitleC++/Programming Topics
Can You Help Me Find...? Func, Branch, In
Failing Finances for Floral Folks Func, Branch, Loop, In
Hot Wax with That, Mister? Func, Branch, Loop, In
Dad! When are you, Dad!? Branch, Loop, Str, Vec


to Hand


in for



       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?

Portfolio III

SPECIAL NOTICE: For any third portfolio project assignment which involves vectors, you may add the following option (worth a (Level 2) increase):

Allow the user to save hand-entered data to a file for later reuse via your new load data from a file option. Use appropriate file opening techniques and pass files to/from functions appropriately as well.

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
I'm looking

for suggestions

of projects from

the new book.


Please let

me know if

you think of

any cool ones!
Project TitleC++/Programming Topics
Form Letters For Everyone! Str, Vec
Atwhay isyay isthay? Str
Security by the Names and/or Numbers Str, class, Vec
And how far is...? Lib, class, Vec
Names and Addresses and Phone numbers ...Oh My! Str, Lib, class, Vec
Up, Up, and Away! [Under construction...] 2D
Conway's Game of Life [Under construction...] 2D
Help! I'm Trapped in Here! Str, 2D


to Hand


in for



       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?