Topical Information

This project will help you demonstrate your mastery of decision making and repetition as well as while improving your handle on functional design.

Program Information

The Busy Bee Blossom Boutique has come to you with a quandary. Their 'Bargain Basement Blossom Basket' has sold so much that they are having trouble keeping track of their inventory for the basic components. They'd like your help.

The problem is that they aren't sure whether they have enough of each type of flower on hand because so many orders come in and different florists fill them. They need a central location to track their flower counts. If they could just enter the information and have the counts automatically updated right there next to the phone as orders come in, it would greatly simplify their lives.

A 'Bargain Basement Blossom Basket' can consist of up to 5 types of flowers from 3 flower categories. The price of the basket is determined by the sum of the prices for each category chosen. The three categories are pretty, so-so, and ugly. Pretty flowers cost $15.00 per bunch. So-so flowers cost $8.50 per bunch. And ugly flowers cost only $1.80 per bunch.

The customer may choose up to 5 bunches from these categories — each bunch can be of a different category — to be placed in their basket. After this, the florist will pick flowers from each desired category to put together in the basket. This situation has proven win-win: the customer gets the guaranteed lowest price in town and the florist gets profits because of the categorization (similar to salad bar or buffet profit models).

The florist entering the order will need to type the number of categories first. Then they'll type the categories in — by letter (P, S, U). You'll update the inventory counts for the flowers in each category, calculate the price of the basket, and print out the new inventory values and the total price.

Of course, to update inventory values, you'll have to have read in the initial values for the category counts at the beginning of the program. (This is a little set-up phase that happens only when the program first begins. As the program loops later, this inventory set-up will not repeat!)

Watch for any possible (reasonable) error conditions! Check that you don't over-sell any flower categories. Check that the florist doesn't accidentally enter bad data (too many or too few categories). Check that they enter valid categories (we only have Pretty, So-so, and Ugly). And so on, and so forth...

Allow them to continue entering orders until they enter 0 bunches for a basket. This is the special value that allows them to quit for the evening. (When this happens, be sure to display the final inventory counts so the clerk can write them down now and re-enter them in the morning!)

Don't forget to use functions to ease your design process. Among others, I'd recommend a separate function for determining the st, rd, nd, or th on the prompts (see below). Note that this can be seen as either one return value or as TWO 'return' values...

As an example, you might have the program interaction look something like (the parts in blue are typed by the user):

$ ./flowers.out

          Welcome to the Bargain Basement Blossom Basket Program!!!
                (Designed for the Busy Bee Blossom Boutique)

How many flowers are there in the pretty category?  42
How many flowers are there in the so-so category?  105
How many flowers are there in the ugly category?  516

Thank you!!!  Please enter order information...

How many categories in this basket?  45

Too many categories!!!  You can only have 5 or fewer!!!
How many categories in this basket?  -4

Too few categories!!!  You can only have between 1 and 5!!!
How many categories in this basket?  4

What category for 1st bunch?  Q

Unknown category!!  Please enter Pretty, So-so, or Ugly (by letter!)...

What category for 1st bunch?  S
What category for 2nd bunch?  s
What category for 3rd bunch?  u
What category for 4th bunch?  P

The customer's basket will cost $33.8.

There are currently:

        41 Pretty flowers,
        103 So-so flowers, and
        515 Ugly flowers.

How many categories in this basket?  0

Thank you for using the BBBBP!!

Don't forget to record the inventory counts for re-entry tomorrow!

Sleep well...see you in the morning!


Or perhaps:

$ ./flowers.out

          Welcome to the Bargain Basement Blossom Basket Program!!!
                (Designed for the Busy Bee Blossom Boutique)

How many flowers are there in the pretty category?  2
How many flowers are there in the so-so category?  10
How many flowers are there in the ugly category?  51

Thank you!!!  Please enter order information...

How many categories in this basket?  3

What category for 1st bunch?  p
What category for 2nd bunch?  P
What category for 3rd bunch?  P

You cannot sell any more Pretty flowers!  I'm all out of Pretty flowers!

What category for 3rd bunch?  s

The customer's basket will cost $38.5.

There are currently:

        NO Pretty flowers,
        9 So-so flowers, and
        51 Ugly flowers.

How many categories in this basket?  0

Thank you for using the BBBBP!!

Don't forget to record the inventory counts for re-entry tomorrow!

Sleep well...see you in the morning!


This assignment is (Level 4).


Total Level Possible

If you did all above options, this project could be worth as much as (Level 14.5).