Topical Information

The purpose of this quiz is to give you a chance to focus your knowledge of simple cases of making a function into a template in C++.

Question Set Information


  1. There are two new keywords for making a generic function pattern that the compiler will fill in when it sees prospective data types in a call to that function. What are they?

    1. template YES
    2. pattern NO
    3. typename YES
    4. datatype NO
    5. type NO
    TRUE FALSE The typename keyword does two jobs in relation to templates.
    TRUE FALSE It introduces a new placeholder name for a data type in the template pattern.
    TRUE FALSE It is also used to indicate to the compiler that a nested type definition/using alias is really a data type from inside a templated type like so:
        typename vector<BaseType>::size_type pos;
  3. Show a template function to print any vector-based list with caller-specified text before, between, and after the elements.

        template <typename BaseType>
        void display_list(const vector<BaseType> & list,
                          const string & pre_text,
                          const string & between_text,
                          const string & post_text)
            cout << pre_text;
            if ( ! list.empty() )
                for (typename vector<BaseType>::size_type pos = 0;
                     pos+1 != list.size(); ++pos)
                    cout << list[pos] << between_text;
                cout << list.back();
            cout << post_text;
    TRUE FALSE Sometimes we want to have a particular type behave differently in a templated function than other types.
    TRUE FALSE If it only involves adjusting the code inside the template function, we can specialize the original template to the specially treated type.
    TRUE FALSE Overloads of a template function can be templates themselves or can be normal functions.
  5. Given the following linear search template function, make a new version that locates a string with the same length as a desired target string. Should this new function be a specialization or an overload of the original? Make sure the two functions can coexist in the same code without ambiguity!

        template <typename BaseT>
            inline typename vector<BaseT>::size_type
        locate(const vector<BaseT> & vec,
               const BaseT & find_me,
               typename vector<BaseT>::size_type start = 0)
            auto pos{start}; // start at specified position
            while ( pos < vec.size() && // not at end of vector AND
                    vec[pos] != find_me ) // not found, yet...
                ++pos; // try next one...
            return pos; // either place findĖ™me was, or .size()
        If we tried to specialize the above template, we'd end up with an ambiguity
        of sorts between the functions:
            template <>
                inline typename vector<string>::size_type
            locate(const vector<string> & vec,
                   const string & find_me,
                   typename vector<string>::size_type start = 0)
        The problem is that we could no longer search for a particular string value
        within the vector!  We'd only be able to search for strings of a certain length.
        By overloading the template, we can make the string's size a parameter to the
        function and still be able to search for string values in a vector of strings.
        Here is the resulting overload:
                inline typename vector<string>::size_type
            locate(const vector<string> & vec,
                   string::size_type find_this_length,
                   typename vector<string>::size_type start = 0)
                auto pos{start};
                while ( pos < vec.size() &&
                        vec[pos].length() != find_this_length )
                return pos;
        Note that this overload doesn't need to be a template at all.