Topical Information

Here are a few questions to help you clarify your understanding of data types, variables, and constants.

Question Set Information


  1. Name the twelve basic data types in C++.

        short, int, long,
        unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long,
        float, double, long double,
        bool, char, wchar_t

    Indicate which 5 we use most regularly. (Bolded.)
  2. To declare a variable, we place the variable's [data] type first, then its name/identifier. Multiple variables of the same type can be declared at once by separating their names by commas (,). All declaration statements end in a semi-colon (;) (as do all C++ statements).
  3. Whole numbers are represented by the data types short and long. We usually don't use the data type int because it can change size (i.e. range) when a program is moved between platforms (a combination of machine and operating system). It is okay for the main program to return such a value to the operating system, however, since it is the operating system which helps determine the size of this data type.
  4. Fill in the following table — as appropriate.

    Data Type Minimum     Maximum     Precision
    bool true false N/A
    char '\0' ASCII N/A
    short -32768 32767 N/A
    long -2147483648 2147483647 N/A
    float 1e-38 1e+38 6 digits
    double 1e-308 1e+308 15 digits
  5. What does the keyword unsigned do to an integer data type? (Hint: there are two effects.)

           unsigned disallows negative values from being stored and uses
           the 'bits' once used to store negatives to double the positive range of
           values you can store.  (i.e. an unsigned short will allow you to
           store from 0 to 65535 instead of from -32768 to 32767.)
  6. What does the keyword const do to the declaration of a memory location? (Hint: there are 'two' effects.)

            A constant must be immediately initialized and will forever after
            be considered unchangeable.
    TRUE FALSE  Division works identically on both integer and floating point data types.
    TRUE FALSE  The remainder operation (modulo) works only on integer data types. It is represented by the     %     operator.
    TRUE FALSE  We often use arithmetic operations on non-numeric data types (such as bool or char).

  8. Show how to use modulo to turn a whole number of cents into an equivalent number of dimes, nickles, and pennies. You can use the following declarations as a starting point -- assume that the cents has already been initialized somehow.

        long cents, dimes;
        short nickles, pennies;
            dimes = cents / 10;
            nickles = cents % 10 / 5;
            pennies = cents % 10 % 5;

  9. Tell what data type you would use and why for each of the following situations.

    1. population of an ant farm (for a hint, click the link, do a little math with the dimensions of an ant farm, and think about its contents -- there isn't a picture at the site, they seem to have removed all of the figures, but you can try to Google "ant farm" dimensions and you should find several images)

                  unsigned short or short
                  These small devices hold dirt and air in addition to the ants.
                  There cannot be too awfully many ants.  Also we'll not be counting
                  partial ants.
    2. population of Chicago

                  unsigned long or long
                  There are a hideous number of people in Chicago.  But we don't
                  typically count parts of people we find laying around.
    3. weekly salary of a McDonalds employee

                  There'll be decimal places!
    4. first initial of student

                  A letter is a sub-category of character.
    5. yearly salary of the President

                  There'll be decimal places!
    6. if a student is currently enrolled at Harper

                  This query will be either true or false.
  10. Briefly explain the concept of the 'magic' number. Be sure to include in your discussion:

    1. Why don't we like them?
    2. How do we get rid of them in a program?
    3. Are all numeric literal values magic?
    1. Why don't we like them?

      They operate as if by magic! They've no sense. No rhyme. No reason.
    2. How do we get rid of them in a program?

      Make a clearly-named constant and store the value in it.
    3. Are all numeric literal values magic?

      No. When we do something mathematically obvious (not 3.1415926!!!) like (a+b)/2 — the 2 is taking an average of the two values we added.
  11. Explain the term 'literal'. Give an example for each of the five data types we use most regularly. (See above for which types those are. *grin*)

            A literal is a value that is literally placed into the source code by
            the programmer.  A literal value represents itself rather than having
            a name or memory location.
            short         5
            long          5L
            double        5.0
            char          '5'
            bool          true