This lab will help familiarize you with the modulo operator (%) (as well as main program structure, data types, input, output, etc.).
Write a program that reads in two whole numbered values from the user. After you've retrieved the two values, perform modulo (remainder) operations on them -- in all 4 possible combinations -- storing the results. Finally report the answers in a nice readable fashion.
As an example, you might have the program interaction look something like (the parts in red are typed by the user):
$ mod.out Welcome to the Modulo Calculation Program!!! Please enter your two numbers: 12 40 Thank you!! You've entered 12 and 40! Calculating... Done. 12 mod 12 = 0 12 mod 40 = 12 40 mod 12 = 4 40 mod 40 = 0 Thank you for using the MCP!! Endeavor to have a entertaining day! $
This assignment would have been (Level 1).