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Portfolio I

SPECIAL NOTICE: Any lab that is stated to involve C-strings may be done with C-strings or with the string class. Similarly for arrays and the vector class.

Furthermore, if you do a lab that involves C-strings/strings, you can repeat it with the other and hand in both versions for an extra (Level 1). Similarly for arrays/vectors...

In addition, don't worry about maximum storage issues when using the string class or vector class as they grow to hold all the expected data automatically.

One caveat: if the assignment calls for an array of C-strings, and you want to change just one of these, it must be the C-string half. You cannot make a vector that holds C-strings.

(But don't forget to do the TPQs all over again with array and vector swapped and/or C-string and string swapped!)

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
Oops...shall we try again? input protection, libraries
You Want Me To Do What Problems? (char-mixed) input, list management, (possibly) strings
Now where'd I put that..? C-strings, libraries
"Hi"=="hi"? C-strings, libraries
It's Raining Strings! C-strings, 2D arrays, libraries
String translation — it does a body good! C-strings, libraries
80 chars in a 50-wide hole? No problem! C-strings, libraries
What a Complex problem! classes, libraries
What Runs All Day But Has No Legs?! classes, libraries
The Ides of March are Upon 'ye! classes, libraries
Little Red Counting Hood classes, libraries
There's NOTHING rational about it! classes, libraries
   You can




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Extra Credit


       Items: <= 3 (string/C-string and/or vector/array pairs count together)

       Levels: >= 9

Rubric for Portfolio Grading

Portfolio II

SPECIAL NOTICE: Any lab can be augmented to take its input either interactively from the user or from the command line. This is worth a basic (Level 1) boost to the lab — but see below!

Furthermore, if the information coming in from the argument list is numeric in nature, you can add an extra (Level 1) to the lab for the intrinsic difficulty in translating string data into numeric form. (How you translate it — via istringstreams or via your own translation function(s) — is up to you.)

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
Copy XYZ files, classes
Round 'em Up! files
Hide 'n' Go Seek files, C-strings
A little to the left, Louie! formatting, files
Fall in! formatting, files, classes, C-strings
The Traits Crawl in, The Traits Crawl out... formatting, files, classes
Data = Value data formats, files, classes, C-strings
A random integer here, a random floating point there... files, random values, index files
Smack in the Middle of Nowhere! dynamic memory NOT in classes
Whew! Is it getting hot in here? dynamic memory NOT in classes
Maximum, Schmaximum! dynamic memory in classes


to Hand


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       Items: <= 3

       Levels: >= 7

Portfolio III

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
Operate on this! operator overloading in classes
Subscript: Not just for arrays anymore! operator overloading in classes
Add a Little Spice from Your Files String class, files, randomness
Operators: Not just for Classes anymore! operator overloading withOUT classes
Oops! We forgot something... operator overloading for the String class
What do you mean EOF?! file awareness for the String class
How Many Characters Did You Say You Had? C-string awareness for the String class
Haven't I SEEN That Before..? insertion for the String class
Oh, My! How Pretty! formatting for the String class
That's About the Shape of It. inheritance/polymorphism
Tick-Tock, Buzz-Buzz, ... inheritance/polymorphism
Survival of the Fittest? inheritance/polymorphism
Why can't you just do what I TELL you to? templates — mainly functions
But I wanted it to go THAT way... templates — mainly functions
This and That template class, operator overloading
U-Stor-It template class, dynamic memory, operator overloading
Validation Gone MAD! template functions
Isn't that just the COOLEST idea? function objects as String manipulators


to Hand


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       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?


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