These are a little sketchy...I'll fill in details 'soon'.
long String::size(void) const { return length; }
bool String::operator!(void) const { return (string == nullptr); }
bool String::good(void) const { return (translate_state & goodbit) != 0; }
bool String::fail(void) const { return (translate_state & failbit) != 0; }
bool String::eos(void) const { return (translate_state & eosbit) != 0; }
long String::clear(long new_state) const // default state = goodbit { long hold = translate_state; translate_state = new_state; return hold; }
long String::seekg(long new_position) const // default pos = 0 { long hold = translate_position; translate_position = new_position; return hold; }
long String::tellg(void) const { return translate_position; }
long String::setf(long new_flags) const { long hold = flags; flags |= new_flags; // bit-wise or with assign return hold; }The |= here will allow the flags to contain multiple bit flags -- setting the newly requested one(s) and leaving others alone:
11000101101 | 00001011001 --------------- 11001111101Note how the first three set (one) bits were 0 in the new flags but remain on in the result. The next originally on bit was requested to be set and stayed on.
long String::unsetf(long drop_flags) const { long hold = flags; flags ^= drop_flags; // bit-wise xor with assign return hold; }XOR with assignment here will toggle those flags requested while leaving other flags unaffected:
11000101101 ^ 00001011001 --------------- 11001110100The first three on flags are unaltered by the XOR. Flags that were off become on. Flags that were on become off. Otherwise, flags that were off stay off.
This form of 'unsetf' is, as stated, toggling the flags -- not strictly turning them off. To strictly turn off the flags, we could do this:
flags &= ~drop_flags;This is a bit-wise AND with assignment to the 1's complement of the flags requested to be removed:
11000101101 ~ 00001011001 & 11110100110 --------------- --------------- 11110100110 11000100100Now the flags requested off are turned to off in the bit-wise NOT (the 1's complement -- the ~ operator) and all other bits are turned on. Then, in the AND, the 0's force the requested bits off (false AND anything is false) and the toggled 1's allow the originally on bits to stay on (true AND true is true).
bool String::case_sensitive(void) const { return (flags & case_on) != 0; // bit-wise and }The & here tests to see if the requested bit(s) are on. When the result is not 0, they are on. When the result is 0, they are off:
11000101101 & 00001011001 --------------- 00000001001Of the 4 bits whose status we requested, two were on. We can even check exactly which ones were on with further &ing.