Analysis of Algorithms ====================== Time analysis compares two (or more) algorithms with respect to how long it takes them to run on a certain problem. Space analysis compares two (or more) algorithms with respect to how much memory it takes them while running on a certain problem. These comparisons are troublesome to perform on hardware since machines run at different speeds and programmers code with more/less efficiency than one another. Not to mention compilers optimize better/worse than one another. Oh, and there may be multiple processes/users taking up CPU time and throwing the timings off. And... Well, let's just say it would be easier if we could analyze algorithms 'offline' -- mathematically rather than on a particular coded version. To do this we count the number of critical operations performed on a problem of a certain 'size'. (Exactly what is a critical operation is given at this stage and will become increasingly intuitive as your experience grows.) This counting gives us a function of problem size that determines how long -- in terms of critical operations -- a particular algorithm will take to solve the problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical analysis of algorithms helps determine to which of several groups of algorithms the one you are analyzing belongs. There are three basic categorizations we use to place one algorithm relative to a group of algorithms: O, W, and Big-Oh, Big-Omega, and Big-Theta. Big-Oh specifies that one function grows at worst as rapidly as a reference function. Big-Omega specifies that one function grows at least as rapidly as a reference function. Big-Theta specifies that two functions grow at approximately the same rate. Although a Big-Theta analysis would be nice, it is not always so easy to come by. Big-Oh is easier to work with and is often "good enough". (If you can get Big-Omega, too, you can sandwich the algorithm to find Big-Theta -- it is the intersection of Big-Oh and Big-Omega.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commonly used functions are polynomials, exponentials, constants, logarithmic, and log-linear functions. These compare in terms of decreasing O() as: n^n n! a^n ------- n^a n*lg(n) n lg(n) a That is, a is in O(lg(n)), O(n), O(n*lg(n)), etc., lg(n) is in O(n), O(n*lg(n)), etc., and so forth. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to these three graphical groupings, we are also interested in different kinds of behavior of our algorithms: best-case, worst-case, and average-case complexities. These are analyses done, of course, for when our algorithm is at its best, at its worst, and on average. Our general tool in a mathematical analysis is this summation: --------- \ \ > p * c / i i / --------- ALL i This is the sum over all inputs of the product of that input's probability occurance and the number of steps (or amount of space) the input requires to be processed by the algorithm (generically called the 'count'). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- An easy way to guesstimate the Big-Oh performance of an algorithm is to look over its loops. Count out how many times each loop operates. If loops are nested, multiply their counts. If loops are sequenced, add their counts. Now take the largest reference function with any coeffi- cient removed and you have your guesstimate. For instance, the following algorithm: for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { for (j = 1; j <= n; ++j) { // do something interesting } } for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { // do something else interesting } Would give us n^2 + n as the raw estimate and then dropping the n we'd get n^2 as the reference function guess. Guesstimating logarithms is a little tricky. We'll talk more about that in discrete math.