Here are the topics we'll be covering this semester -- sorta in the shape of the path we'll follow through 'em:

    +-----list management

             +-----------pointers & arrays

dynamic memory&
       +-----------------memory management (element vs. block)/
memory management (ctors, dtors)/--------+

text files&
    +---------*string streams/
*cmd-line args/------+

operator overloading&
        +-----------function objects/

*stream hierarchy/
            multiple inheritance/---------+
other modes/----------+

     +----------------*smart pointers (ref count)/
*templ meth pattern/---------------+

In the above tree structure, an appended slash (/) signifies that the topic might only take a single lecture or less. An appended ampersand (&) instead means that the topic can easily take two or more lecture periods. A prepended asterisk/star (*) implies that the topic is more suitable than others for moving to an online-only form (such that it would be up to the individual whether they wanted to learn that material or not).

And speaking of self-study, please notice the following relationships amongst the various topics we have/will have covered:

    templates + sorting/searching => generic algorithms
    templates + mem manage + class => generic containers
    iterators + STL containers/algorithms => yea!

As already mentioned, if we have time, we may also get to cover these topics: