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Visualizations for Algorithms and Data Structures

VisuAlgo — VISUalizations of ALGOrithms, get it?
Gnarley Trees — no visualizations, anymore, but great info and references
Algorithm Animations and Visualizations
CS Animated

New This Semester

  Notes Remarks
sum of squares formula  deriving a summation
Analysis Basics  Basics of Analysis
Big-Oh and Friends  the math of Big-Oh
Analysis of Linear Search  beginning to end analysis of linear search
Advanced Timing of Program Events  timing beyond the per-second-resolution time() function
Recursion Basics  functions calling themselves — the madness!
Recursion & Induction  recursion/induction worksheet
Stack Basics  Basics of Stacks
Queue Basics  Basics of Queues
Tree Basics  Basics of Trees
Tree Traversal Basics  Traversal of Trees
Expression Tree Basics  Arithmetic Expressions Stored in Trees
Heap Basics  Making a Heap and Sorting with a Heap
Building a Heap Bottom-Up Analysis  there's a typo in one of their algorithms, can you spot it?
here, too, is the specification of reheapDownMax as used
Heap Sort in an Array  using heapsort in an array
Priority Queue Basics  Basics of Priority Queues
An Insertion Sort Refresh  Insertion Sort for Priority Queues
Hash Table Basics  Basics of Hash Tables
Random Probing in a Hash Table  non-polynomial open addressing
Skip List Basics  Basics of Skip Lists
Binary Search Tree Basics  Basics of BSTs
Sorting Algorithm Animations (in Java)  um...animated sorting algorithms...coded in Java..?
okay, they no longer animate, but the codes are there and here is a Jar file with them all ready to demo as well as their documentation (under sortDemo)
Thanks Albrecht!
Advanced Sorting Techniques  notes about advanced sorting techniques not related to a specific data structure
Adjacency Matrices  notes about adjacency matrices (as opposed to lists) for graph path finding
Relevant Algorithm Animations/Visualizations (in Java)  Links to other algorithm animation/visualization sites but also MANY nice visualizations for graphs, trees, recursion, etc.
Standard (Prefix) Tries  Visualization of the insertion, removal, and search of standard tries.
Suffix Tries  Searching in a Suffix Trie; links to a linear construction algorithm for a Suffix Trie!
Ukkonen's Construction of Suffix Tries  Visualization of a linear construction algorithm for a Suffix Trie!
Generalized Suffix Tries  Building a Suffix Trie containing multiple words; with notes on such