Different, but the Same
You'll find that most teachers will assign readings and problems
in a similar way. There are differences, but most are so small
as to not mention.
- Ch, Chap, Chapter
common abbreviations for chapter
- S, Sect, Section
common abbreviations for section
- #, Prob, Problem
common abbreviations for problem
- p, pp, page(s)
common abbreviations for page or pages
- 2.1
means (sub)section 1 of chapter/section 2
means problem 1 from chapter/section 2
means part 1 of problem 2
- 1-3
means parts 1 thru 3 of something (problems 1 thru 3,
sections 1 thru 3, chapters 1-3, etc.)
- 21-4
means parts 21 thru 24 (the common '20' is left off the
second one)
- 321-4
means parts 321 thru 324 (the common '320' is left off the
second one)
- 321-44
means parts 321 thru 344 (the common '300' is left off the
second one)
- 42-78 (evens)
means do just the even numbered problems between 42 and 78
-- including both 42 and 78!
- 41-79 (odds)
means do just the odd numbered problems between 41 and 79
-- including both 41 and 79!
Commas will separate similar things while semi-colons will be
used to separate not-so-similar things. For instance:
Here the reading assignment is all of chapter 1 as well as sections
1 and 3 of chapter 2. On the other hand:
Now the assignment is chapter 1, section 1 of chapter 2, and chapter
3. See the difference? Well, think it over a bit and maybe it'll
click in place:
Ch1;2.1,3 vs Ch1,2.1,3
Last modified 01/09/2017 21:30:49.
It is now 3/15/2025, 4:14:53 AM.
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