All below assignments are from the Goodrich book. (If you are looking for the old Weiss 2e questions to complete your incomplete, look at the 216 link under your programming lanugage off of my main page here.)

Select an assignment for further details...

Portfolio I

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
C++ Problem #Java Problem #NotesLevel
5.8.403.11.42 Allow for the saving and loading of encrypted messages by storing the 26 letter encryption key amongst the n encoded characters of the message. Note that for an n character message, there will be n+1 slots amongst them. For a 1-character message, for instance, there is a slot before the character and a slot after the character. For a 2-character message, there are slots before and after the first character and after the second character. And so on... Make sure the extra 26%(n+1) letters from the encryption key are located carefully to make the spread nice and even. (Note that when the message is longer than 25 characters, each letter of the key is alone by itself and, in fact, you are spreading the characters of the message amongst the 27 slots around the key values now.) 5
4.6.345.6.29 recursion 5



to Hand


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       Items: <= 1 (try to spread them out...)

       Levels: >= 5

Portfolio II

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
C++ Problem #Java Problem #NotesLevel
8.7.588.7.64 begin with the "For an additional challenge..." version including at least +, -, *, /, % (call fmod if using double values in C++), parentheses to alter precedence, =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=. (This is not a complete set of C/C++/Java operations, but to be complete, you'd have to allow data types or break some actual language rules. Data types are beyond the scope of this project!)
now parse not just one but a sequence of ;-terminated expressions ending ultimately at an EOF marker; the sequence should be able to come from either a file or the keyboard; at the end of the sequence, display the values of all variables assigned to during the expressions
here're some links to help you get started
more from chapters 5/6-9/10 coming 'soon'?



to Hand


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       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?

Portfolio III

Due Thursday of Week by 21:00
C++ Problem #Java Problem #NotesLevel
Hash Table Chaining (see inside link)
Making Mazes (see inside link)
chapters 10/11, 11/12, and 13/14 coming 'soon'



to Hand


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       Items: <= ?

       Levels: >= ?